What Is a LVL Lash Lift? How This Treatment Changed My Life (2025)

Eyelashes are at the center of any beauty look. To open up the eye, some opt for mascara while others turn to more permanent treatments like eyelash extensions. Lash lifts offer natural lashes some added curl and volume with little downtime. I decided to try the LVL treatment—it promises a lifting, volumizing and curling effect. My lashes are naturally long but they’re also stubborn and refuse to curl. In the past, I’ve had them curled and got lash extensions for months on end (which wasn't very cost-friendly). But one week after the treatment, I was convinced—I had never seen my lashes look so lifted, even without mascara.

I spoke to lash experts Charmaine Kyriacou, a former head trainer at the now defunct salon Browhaus (where I had my treatment), and Kenna Murray, a former national trainer for Amazing Lash Studio. Keep reading for my full review and everything you need to know about getting an LVL lash lift.

Meet the Experts

What Is an LVL Lash Lift?

LVL stands for "length, volume, lift," says Kyriacou. It’s a lash-lifting treatment that works with your natural lashes to give the appearance of curl and volume. The results are meant to last up to two months with little prep or downtime needed. "'Length, volume, lift' is like a perm for your eyelashes," adds Murray. "It elevates and curls your natural lashes for four to eight weeks." The treatment lasts approximately 45 minutes. A lifting balm and volumizing fix are applied to your natural lashes in order to straighten and lift lashes from the root of the hair follicle. The treatment also includes a lash tint.

Benefits of an LVL Lash Lift

There are several benefits to LVL lash lifts:

  • It lifts, volumizes and separates lashes without having to wear extensions.
  • It is a fast treatment. Most appointments last 45 minutes to an hour.
  • It requires minimal preparation and downtime.
  • It is safe for lashes, according to Kyriacou.
  • It lasts six to eight weeks, according to Murray.
  • Mascara and eye makeup can be worn.
  • No eyelash curlers are necessary.

Potential Side Effects

While lash lifts are safe, it is important to follow the recommendations of professionals, according to Kyriacou.

  • It may cause dryness or irritation. "The active ingredient in this service is a perm solution that may cause dryness or irritation in some," says Murray.
  • It may cause discomfort for sensitive eyes. I did not personally experience any discomfort or negative side effects from the lash lift, but you may experience moderate discomfort if your eyes are sensitive.
  • It can lead to damage to the lashes if the treatment is done too often. Damage to the lash area can occur if you get a lash lift every three weeks or more (although you shouldn't need to). Kyriacou assured me damage wouldn't happen in my case.

How to Prepare for an LVL Lash Lift

  • Do a patch test 24h before your appointment. The process actually starts 24 hours before you have your lashes permed, with a patch test at the salon. I know, I know—it’s frustrating to have a patch test every single time you hit the salon chair, but it’s crucial to ensure your skin will take to the treatment.
  • Remove your contact lenses if you wear any. I wear contact lenses, and I do wish I’d taken them out for the treatment. I was told keeping them in was absolutely fine, but I was very aware of my lenses throughout.
  • Arrive with clean lashes. "The most important step you can take is to arrive at your appointment with freshly cleaned eyelashes," says Murray. Some salons offer a cleansing treatment as an add-on.

What to Expect During an LVL Lash Lift

A solid 24 hours after my patch test, I finally made my way back to Browhaus for the real deal. The salon has a reputation for being the boss of eyebrows, but it also offers a selection of lash treatments. Upon arrival, I was taken downstairs to a private area and asked to lie down on the premade bed.

The treatment started with the technician cleansing the eye area to ensure all traces of makeup were gone and then asking me what type of curl I would like. As I’d had my lashes curled previously (minus the tint) and been slightly disappointed, I decided to go full volume with a tight curl. You can choose between a loose or tight effect, but l went for the tighter look.

The technician then measured a small rod against my eyes. The rod sits as close to your lash line as possible on your eyelids—it’s what holds the curl as the bonding gels are applied. Next, she applied a lash glue to pin back my lashes to the rod.

Soon after, a perming lotion is applied to your lashes, which has to sit for around 20 minutes. I felt very relaxed—in fact, I definitely fell asleep. After the perming lotion had done its magic, the technician came back and applied a neutralizer, which was left on for another 15 minutes.

Finally came the tint. I went for black, as I wanted to be able to be mascara-free on a daily basis. You can cater the color to your own personal preferences, though. Part of the beauty of LVL lashes is that the tinting only takes around three minutes. The whole treatment felt very safe, and I felt completely comfortable for the hour duration.

The Results

What Is a LVL Lash Lift? How This Treatment Changed My Life (1)


This is me with mascara on, no joke. You can see that my lashes are long, but you can also see how straight they are. I wasn’t lying about the fact they don’t curl at all. Below is the "after."

What Is a LVL Lash Lift? How This Treatment Changed My Life (2)


Much more lifted and curled! You can really tell from this image how much more open my eyes appeared after the treatment.


Although lash lifts require minimal downtime and aftercare, there are things to keep in mind to help make it last longer.

  • Don't wet your lashes for 48 hours. Water may loosen the curl as it needs time to set, says Kyriacou. It is also recommended to wait before applying any eye makeup and mascara. This was difficult, but now, I’m left with beautiful, fluttery lashes that need no eyelash curling and hardly any mascara.
  • Stay away from oils in makeup and skincare products. This can diminish the life of your new lashes and should be avoided at all costs, even after 48 hours.
  • Don't touch. Try to stay away from eyelash curlers, perming equipment and any manipulation of the lashes.
  • Brush your lashes after they get wet. Using a spoolie brush every time you get them wet will help your lift last longer.

How long should I wait between appointments?

A good time span between your treatments is about two months. This should give your lashes a chance to go through their normal growth phase and may help prevent damage. Your lash lift should last between six and eight weeks.

The Final Takeaway

I’ve become totally smitten with my new wide-eyed, fluttery lashes. The LVL Lash Lift is the best beauty treatment I’ve ever had done. I found it to be long-lasting and relatively low-maintenance. This treatment may just make me ditch mascara for good.


  • How much does a LVL lash lift cost?

    Cost may vary depending on the salon. At Amazing Lash Studio, it cost around $90 for the entire treatment, which also includes a deep-conditioning keratin treatment.

  • What is the difference between a LVL lash lift and a keratin lash lift?

    A key difference is that the semi-permanent curling solution used in a keratin lash lift includes keratin. They often cost more than LVL lash lifts (about $100-$200). Those with sensitive eyes may prefer an LVL because keratin lash lifts may sting. Both treatments involve applying a serum and a curling device called a "rod" to your natural lashes. Results are often natural though can be customized via the size of the rod.

What Is a LVL Lash Lift? How This Treatment Changed My Life (2025)
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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.