Streamer Amouranth Alleges Domestic Abuse. Men Are Pissed She’s Not Single. (2024)

Twitch streamer and OnlyFans content creator Amouranth alleged Saturday during a stream that her husband has threatened to kill her dogs and is controlling her social media and bank accounts.

“The therapist even told him it’s a form of psychological abuse and that I’m basically living in a fancy prison,” a visibly upset Amouranth told her viewers.

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The stream has been removed from her account, but multiple clips are still circulating online.

In one clip, Amouranth, whose real name is Kaitlyn Siragusa, livestreamed a phone call with a man—implied to be her husband—while he screamed at her. “Why did you say you were going to kill my dogs?” she asked. Later in the call, the man said, “My point is, are you listening or not? If you’re not, then get the f*ck out.”

“I’m literally listening. but you’re not making any sense,” Amouranth replied, through tears.

During the stream, Amouranth revealed for the first time that she’s married, and shared even more allegations of abuse. In her stream, she said her husband controls her social media accounts and threatened to withhold her money.

While many onlookers voiced concern for the content creator’s safety, others simply expressed resentment over the fact that Amouranth, who has 5.9 million followers on Twitch, nearly 3 million Twitter followers, and over a million likes on OnlyFans, isn’t single.

“Amouranth has had a husband this whole time yet I’ve been gifting 1000’s of Tier 3’s EVERY MONTH?” one Twitter user said. “How do you chargeback on a credit card?”

More of these comments ensued following Amouranth’s concerning allegations—which were extensive.

In another clip, Amouranth showed a string of text messages that she said were from her husband. The messages referred to Amouranth as a “dumb f*ck” and threatened to shut down her social media accounts and a bank account.

During the stream, Amouranth also alleged that her husband didn’t let her tell streamers she’s married because it would “ruin the business model,” and that he has all the login information to her accounts. She added that her two-factor authentication (technology that allows people to securely log into their online accounts) connects to his cellphone as opposed to hers.

“All these threats, all these threats,” Amouranth said. “All the f*cking accounts are two-factored under his number and he has all the log-in information to things. It keeps you there with the fear and the threats. You fear he’s going to do something to the animals—and then he’s nice again.”

Following the stream, another famous content creator said, “Amouranth herself has scammed so many guys online claiming she was single for years.” He’s since deleted the tweet, which still lives on Reddit.

In an updated tweet, the creator said, “I been getting a lot of tweets saying I support Amouranth getting abused? No… I was just making the point that I don’t feel like any creator should lie to their fan base for money. It’s wrong!”

Others accused her of lying for profit, claimed her stream was an “act,” called her a “grifter,” and unsurprisingly, multiple Twitter accounts referred to her as “Amber”—undoubtedly in reference to Amber Heard.

“We cannot just take sole tears for real, especially from an actress who doesn’t seem to be misstreated (sic) at all. Amber Heard was also a good comedian with tears and fake injuries :),” one account wrote in response to Amouranth’s stream.

Currently, gender justice advocate Farrah Khan told VICE News, there’s an “emboldenment across the board of misogyny,” especially when it came to well-known or famous women alleging domestic violence or abuse.

“This online harassment and hate is framed as men behind the bush, or a troll behind a computer, when it’s actually orchestrated hate against women,” Khan said.

Amouranth didn’t immediately respond to a VICE News request for an interview, and she hasn’t appeared to be active online since Saturday. Twitch streamer Alinity told her audience that she tried to reach Amouranth but couldn’t get ahold of her. She said she then requested a “welfare check.”

“The police can’t tell me anything about whether or not she’s OK,” Alinity said during a stream. “I would like to hear from her. I would really like that.”

Anyone who is or has experience abuse and is in need of support can contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline (1-800-799-7233)

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Streamer Amouranth Alleges Domestic Abuse. Men Are Pissed She’s Not Single. (2024)
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