Jagrut Pathak, Store Manager working at Sharaf Dg (2025)

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Store Manager at Sharaf Dg

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Jagrut Pathak's Contact Information

Email (work) ************* sharafdg.com
LinkedIn URL linkedin.com/in/jagcen k-a37sor
Tel. (Company) +971 600 50XXXX
Company Sharaf Dg
Residence Bahrain
Last updated 2022-06-09
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Jagrut is working at

Sharaf Dg

Location United Arab Emirates , هرمزجان, Dubai
Website https://uae.sharafdg.com
Company Size censo redcens
Employees 2431 profiles available
Last Updated 2024-04-29

Sharaf DG, a part of the Sharaf Group, is a whole new censore dc ensoredcens oredcenso redcensor ed cens ore dcensor edcenso re dce nsoredcens oredcenso re dce n soredce nsoredce ns oredcensor edcensore dcensore dce nsoredcens ored cen soredc ensore dcenso redc ensoredc enso r edcens or edcen sore d censore dcensored censo redcen soredcenso re dc ens ored ce nsoredcenso redcen sor e dce nsoredcen soredcenso redce nsoredcen sor edce nso redcen sored ce nsored ce nso redcen soredc ensoredcen sore dcensore dcensoredcen sore dcensoredcenso red censored cens oredcensor edc enso redcensored ce nso redcensore dce nsoredcens oredcensor edcenso red censoredce nso redcensore dcensor edce nsoredce nso redcens ored cen sored cen sore dc ens oredcenso red censoredcen sore dcen so redcensor edcensoredcen sore dce nsoredc en soredc ens ored censoredc e nsoredcenso redcens oredcensor ed cen soredcenso

Jagrut Pathak, Store Manager working at Sharaf Dg (1)

Managers are responsible for leading teams toward meeting goals by setting objectives, implementing plans, delegating tasks and monitoring progress.
Other job titles include Team Leader or Supervisor.
Tap into our managers’ expertise to lead your team towards success by providing sound decision-making skills, effective communication techniques and clear expectations.

Contact Managers like Jagrut Pathak

Co-workers of Jagrut Pathak

Jagrut Pathak, Store Manager working at Sharaf Dg (2)

Balakrishnan JayaramanStore Manager

Jagrut Pathak, Store Manager working at Sharaf Dg (5)

Salam SfmSupervisor

Decision Makers at Sharaf Dg

Jagrut Pathak, Store Manager working at Sharaf Dg (6)

Nilesh KhalkhoC.e.o

Jagrut Pathak, Store Manager working at Sharaf Dg (7)

Ram SunkariHigher Management

Jagrut Pathak, Store Manager working at Sharaf Dg (8)

Anand RaoHigher Management

Jagrut Pathak, Store Manager working at Sharaf Dg (9)

Shivani BishtHigher Management

Jagrut Pathak, Store Manager working at Sharaf Dg (10)

Ramadan IbrahimHigher Management

Jagrut Pathak, Store Manager working at Sharaf Dg (11)

Samith MadusankaHigher Management

124 Decision Makers at Sharaf Dg

Peers of Jagrut Pathak in the area

Jagrut Pathak, Store Manager working at Sharaf Dg (12)

Latheef AbdulLower Management

Jagrut Pathak, Store Manager working at Sharaf Dg (13)

Micheal GalvezLower Management

Jagrut Pathak, Store Manager working at Sharaf Dg (14)

Khalid IsmailLower Management

Career Opportunities at Sharaf Dg

Explore career opportunities at Sharaf Dg on our website.
Stay updated on the latest job openings by checking back regularly or by visiting the company's official career page.
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Jagrut Pathak's current details

Current Title
Store Manager

Type of Role
5% from Bahrain work as a Manager

Job functions

Job Seniority
Lower Management
19% from Bahrain are employed in Lower Management

Current Industry
Retail censo redcenso


Experience (tracked since 2004)
c ensore experience at Sharaf Dg
c ensore experience as Store Manager

Work-life tracked since 2004
Jagrut Pathak had a total of X different roles since 2004

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Company "Sharaf Dg"

Company name
Sharaf Dg

Company size
censo redcens

Year Founded


Linkedin Profile
https://linkedin.com/company/scen f-sor

Industrial Field
Retail Trade Services

United Arab Emirates, هرمزجان, Dubai

Full Company Profile
Sharaf Dg

Jagrut Pathak's Work History
data available since 2004

  • 2018 (6 months)
    Sharaf Dg
    Store Manager
    Retail Trade Services
    Sharaf Dg

  • 20XX (15c ensor)
    Scens oredcensor
    Rcenso redce nsoredce
    https://linkedin.com/company/almacen ners-wsor

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Jagrut Pathak's Professional Experience

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Frequently asked questions

What company does Jagrut Pathak work for?
Jagrut Pathak is working for Sharaf Dg

What is Jagrut Pathak's title at Sharaf Dg?
Jagrut's title is , Store Manager

What is Jagrut Pathak's Seniority at Sharaf Dg?
Jagrut Pathak has been with Sharaf Dg for 6 months and is in Lower Management

For how long is Jagrut Pathak working as a Store Manager?
Jagrut Pathak has 6 months experience as Store Manager.

What are Jagrut Pathak's functions as a Store Manager ?
Jagrut Pathak is responsible for Operationce nsore

What is Jagrut Pathak's company phone number?
Jagrut Pathak's company phone number is +971 600 50****

What is Jagrut Pathak's email contact?
Jagrut Pathak's email address is *************@sharafdg.com

Who are similar contacts like Jagrut Pathak ?
Some similar contacts are Latheef Abdul, Micheal Galvez, Khalid Ismail, Kumar Kumar, Krishnakumar Kumar and Mizanur Rahman.

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Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is intended for general informational purposes only. While we strive to ensure that the information is accurate and up-to-date, we cannot guarantee its completeness or accuracy and we do not endorse or guarantee the products or services of any company or individual listed.

Jagrut Pathak, Store Manager working at Sharaf Dg (2025)


Who is a good store manager? ›

A good retail manager should not only aim to help their employees grow but should also be willing to create an environment where everyone feels free to make suggestions they feel could help improve the company's bottom line. Remember you don't have to be the only one trying to solve problems or looking for solutions.

How can I be an amazing store manager? ›

17 tips on retail management
  1. Set clear daily goals. ...
  2. Hire a high-quality team. ...
  3. Train staff well. ...
  4. Use effective time management. ...
  5. Be decisive. ...
  6. Listen to employees. ...
  7. Offer clear communication. ...
  8. Use technology effectively.
Mar 19, 2024

How to work as a store manager? ›

store manager skills and competencies
  1. leadership: store managers motivate and lead their teams effectively. ...
  2. communication: effective communication is essential in a store manager's role.
  3. problem-solving: you are able to make decisions quickly and efficiently, especially in situations where customer service is required.

What is the mindset of a store manager? ›

Store Managers must remain calm and collected through constant upheaval. It can be challenging for those that work office jobs to imagine the agility it takes to do the job well. It's different from an office job. Imagine sitting in your office, and random people stop by to tell you that they don't like your company.

What is the highest paying store manager? ›

Top Paying Companies
1The Home Depot$150,118
3Lowe's Home Improvement$132,015
5 more rows
3 days ago

Is store manager a stressful job? ›

During peak shopping seasons, such as holidays or sales events, Retail Managers face intense pressure to meet sales targets and manage increased customer traffic. The surge in responsibilities often leads to longer hours and additional stress, encroaching on personal time and well-being.

What skills do you need to be a store manager? ›

They need leadership to learn from and grow with. Reassure them that they have job security. Key skills for a store manager include leadership, communication, problem-solving, organization, customer service, retail experience, and financial acumen.

What are the strengths of a store manager? ›

Store managers can identify, analyze and resolve issues quickly and effectively, whether they're related to inventory, customer service or employee performance. They may also be able to think critically and creatively, developing innovative solutions to problems that arise.

How hard is it being a store manager? ›

The role of a Retail Manager can be demanding, with the level of difficulty varying based on factors like store size, staff dynamics, and sales targets. Retail Managers must balance a variety of tasks, including inventory management, staff training, customer service, and sales promotion.

What is the main duty of a store manager? ›

Store manager responsibilities

maintaining statistical and financial records. dealing with customer queries and complaints. overseeing pricing and stock control. maximising profitability and setting/meeting sales targets, including motivating staff to do so.

How long does it take to become a manager at a store? ›

FAQs about Becoming a Retail Manager

For those climbing the ladder from entry-level retail positions without a formal degree, it might take longer, often 5-10 years, as they gradually acquire the necessary experience and leadership skills.

How do people become store managers? ›

Show initiative and dedication to your current retail job so they may consider you for internal promotions. Network with store managers and supervisors, express interest in advancement and demonstrate exceptional performance in your role. Internal promotions are common pathways to becoming a retail store manager.

Why should we hire you as a store manager? ›

When hiring a retail store manager, an ideal candidate would be someone with good work ethics, good leadership skills, time management skills, good communication skills, and independence. These are some good qualities of a manager. An ideal candidate will name some of these in their answer.

What makes me a good manager answer? ›

Managers become great communicators by being good listeners. They allow time for others to speak. They clearly understand the organization's vision and share it with the people in their team to motivate them. They keep their team up-to-date on what's happening in the organization.

How do you act like a store manager? ›

Retail management 101
  1. 1) Prioritize problems. If you work in retail management, you're going to deal with problems. ...
  2. 2) Don't waste your time. ...
  3. 3) Learn to say no. ...
  4. 4) Look for specific traits when hiring. ...
  5. 5) Set realistic goals. ...
  6. 6) Schedule employees effectively. ...
  7. 7) Learn to delegate. ...
  8. 8) Encourage cooperation.

How do I choose a store manager? ›

How to Hire a Retail Store Manager
  1. Define the role and responsibilities.
  2. Create and post an effective job description.
  3. Screen applications and select whom to interview.
  4. Ask effective interview questions.
  5. Follow up with references before making your final decision.

Who makes a good manager? ›

Summary. Good managers are great communicators, active listeners, and amazing supporters. The good news is, these are traits you can learn. From learning to delegate to aligning your team's work with greater company goals, we'll show the 10 qualities the best manager's share, and actionable tips on how to develop them.

Who is the boss of a store manager? ›

A store manager reports to a district/area or general manager.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.