Clash Royale decks (March 2023) - Best decks (2025)

March 10, 2023: We've updated our Clash Royale deck tier list.

Looking for the best Clash Royale decks for the current meta? With the release of the three new champions late last year in the form of the Archer Queen, Golden Knight, and Skeleton King, the established meta was well and truly shaken up as players played to find out what how they fit with established decks. They are each powerful units in their own right, with unique abilities that can quite literally win you a battle.

The Archer Queen, for example, has invisibility that grants her a period of invulnerability. The Golden Knight targets units and chain-rushes between them, gaining ground, and becoming an unstoppable force in the process. Our favourite of all, Skeleton King, collects the souls of dead units and uses them to summon his very own skeletons, which in a game with as many summons and chaff units as Clash Royale is pretty strong.

Table of Contents

  • The best decks in Clash Royale for March 2023
  • How do I get more Clash Royale cards?
  • Where can I find a Clash Royale decks builder?

With that in mind, we've created a list of the best Clash Royale decks utilising these strong champions. If you enjoy freebies for mobile strategy games, we also have an Infinity Kingdom codes list and a Rise of Kingdoms codes list.

The best decks in Clash Royale for March 2023

Archer Queen Deck

The Archer Queen is one of Clash Royale's new champions, a strong ranged unit that can use her Cloaking Cape to turn invisible and become untargetable by other units. Our favourite version of her deck pairs her with the fast and powerful Bandit unit and the invisible Royal Ghost. When you also add units capable of damaging multiple enemies, like the Mega Knight and Electro Spirit, as well as damage-dealing spells such as Lightning and Barbarian Barrel, you have a strong rush deck on your hands.

  • Archer Queen
  • Electro Spirit
  • Fisherman
  • Mother Witch
  • Royal Ghost
  • The Log
  • Lightning
  • Royal Giant

Clash Royale decks (March 2023) - Best decks (3)

Clash Royale decks (March 2023) - Best decks (4)

Golden Knight Deck

The second of Clash Royale's new champions is the Golden Knight, a high hit-point unit that can use his Dashing Dash ability to chain dash between units, covering ground quickly while gaining invulnerability. A fun combo takes the classic Lavaloon deck but uses Golden Knight to replace the Guard unit. It's a very strong deck that doubles as a helpful intro to the new champion's abilities.

  • Electro Giant
  • Cannon
  • Electro Spirit
  • Inferno Dragon
  • Lightning
  • Mother Witch
  • Tornado
  • Golden Knight

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Clash Royale decks (March 2023) - Best decks (5)

Clash Royale decks (March 2023) - Best decks (6)

Skeleton King Deck

Last but not least is the Skeleton King, a champion who can use a Soul Summoning ability to raise a small army of Skeletons to fight for you. How many skeletons get summoned depends on how many units die while he is deployed. For every loss, he gets a soul that summons an additional skeleton on top of the base six that the ability provides.

With this in mind, a good deck for Skeleton King utilises a lot of low-cost units so he can collect Souls, as well as other summoning units such as the graveyard in order to overwhelm enemies with your minions. You can also use Mother Witch to summon Royal Hogs based upon when troops die.

  • Phoenix
  • Skeleton King
  • Poison
  • Ice Wizard
  • Barbarian Barrel
  • Tornado
  • Graveyard
  • Tombstone

How do I get more Clash Royale cards?

You can get Clash Royale cards by using gold or gems to purchase them in the shop, and by opening chests. It's also possible to unlock more cards by playing the game, advancing through different arenas, and earning trophies, which will eventually unlock legendary cards as part of your chest cycle.

Where can I find a Clash Royale decks builder?

If you're looking to play around with some deck compositions for yourself, then Deckshop is a good place to try stuff out and create your own decks to share with others.

  • Read More: Our list of the best Clash Mini decks.

And that's our list of some of the best Clash Royale decks in the meta right now. If you like Supercell-style arena games, be sure to check out our Boom Beach: Frontlines preview where we go hands-on with the publisher's latest.

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Clash Royale decks (March 2023) - Best decks (2025)


How do I choose a good deck in Clash Royale? ›

Aim for an average elixir cost.

Most good decks are between 3.0-4.0 in average elixir cost (AEC). There are good decks higher or lower than that. Cheaper decks are faster in cycle but have more fragile troops. Heavy decks have a slower playstyle and are usually Beatdown decks.

What is the best duo deck in Clash Royale? ›

  • 5 Giant Skeleton Mirror Clone. Nuke The Arena With Multiple Giant Skeleton Bombs. ...
  • 4 Golem Lava Witch Combo. A Classic Deck Finding Some Love In 2v2. ...
  • 3 Giant Pekka Piglets Control. A Defensive Offense Is The Best Offense. ...
  • 2 Lava Hound Miner Poison. A Little Bit Of Damage At A Time Becomes A Lot In A Bit. ...
  • 1 Extreme Bridge Spam.
Apr 9, 2024

What does pekka stand for? ›

The name "Perfectly Enraged Knight Killer of Assassins" was the winner. The person who submitted the acronym was called Víctor in the Facebook announcement.

What is the strongest deck card? ›

The ace of spades (also known as the Spadille and Death Card) is traditionally the highest and most valued card in the deck of playing cards. The actual value of the card varies from game to game.

What is the secret to winning in Clash Royale? ›

Elixir trades are key to winning in Clash Royale. In short, defeat opposing units using cards with lower values. Swarms often help — powered-up Goblins (two elixir) or Skeletons (one) can take down a Mini P.E.K.K.A. (four).

What is the best legendary deck in Clash Royale? ›

Clash Royale: 10 Best Decks For Path Of Legends, Ranked
  1. 1 Elixir Golem Skeleton King. The Perfect Counter To Pesky Goblin Drill Players.
  2. 2 Lavaloon Skeleton Dragons. ...
  3. 3 X-Bow 3.3 Cycle. ...
  4. 4 Pekka Bridge Spam. ...
  5. 5 Goblin Drill 2.8 Cycle. ...
  6. 6 Giant Graveyard Bowler. ...
  7. 7 Golem Beatdown Skeleton King. ...
  8. 8 Hog 2.6 Cycle. ...
Apr 20, 2024

What is the best set of cards in Clash Royale? ›

We've updated this list to add new cards and better reflect the current meta.
  • 15 Arrows. The Essential Area Damage Spell. ...
  • 14 Goblin Gang. Three Goblins And Three Spear Goblins, For Only Three Elixir. ...
  • 13 Baby Dragon. A Splash Damage Fire Troop To Counter Most Swarms. ...
  • 12 Knight. ...
  • 11 Mega Knight. ...
  • 10 Hog Rider. ...
  • 9 Witch. ...
  • 8 Freeze.
Jun 12, 2024

Which is the most powerful card in Clash Royale? ›

A Better Musketeer And A Better Knight For A Cheaper Cost

The Little Prince is without a doubt the best champion in Clash Royale, costing only three Elixir for basically a Musketeer and having an overpowered ability that can fully counter certain troops.

What is the best card deck? ›

Whether you're sitting down for a poker game or another fun card game, there's no better deck of cards than "Copag 1546 Plastic Playing Cards". These special poker cards are printed with cellulose acetate plastic. This makes them last up to 50x longer than paper cards like Bicycle Playing Cards.

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